Blog 10- HRM Activities - Counseling

HRM Activities - Counseling

Figure 01: (Bhattacharjee, 2019)

Humans differ from all other organisms in the world in their ability to imagine and feel emotions with deep comprehension. We behave in different ways depending on the situation, and different scenarios treat us in different ways. When we consider a specific scenario, our thoughts or sentiments can have an emotional impact on us. It's tragic how psychological wounds were overlooked in the past. People began to handle emotional disorders as a result of the invention of new technology and increased awareness.

Counseling is a method of understanding and aiding people who are experiencing technical, personal, emotional, or adjustment challenges that usually involve emotional content that an employee with the purpose of minimizing it so that performance is maintained, if not improved.

Process of Counseling

When a person needs counseling, he or she is dealing with a severe problem, such as mental health concerns, emotional issues, or familial issues. The process isn't rushed; rather, it's a thorough examination that comprises a detailed procedure.

The counseling procedure is carried out in a step-by-step manner, with the counselor ensuring that his client is comfortable throughout. Let's look at the five most important stages of the counseling process.


Figure 02: (SketchBubble, 2021)


Types of Counseling

There are three types of organizational counseling: directive counseling, non-directive counseling, and participative counseling.

Figure 03: Types of counseling

Features of Counseling

ü Counseling comprises interviewing the person who is being counseled and aiding him in addressing his problems through a human method of sharing and guiding.

ü Counseling comprises sitting down with an employee in a private area to have an open discussion. Sometimes it's to give a genuine compliment, other times it's to solve a problem that's harming productivity or effectiveness, and still other times it's because an employee has broken your rules and you need to talk to him about how he can change his behavior.

ü It's a one-on-one, private conversation. It's an interview, not a sermon or piece of advice, and it's a two-way interaction.

ü It encourages the other person to provide information about himself so that the problem and its causes can be pinpointed and solutions created.

ü In an organization, counseling can be provided by a team leader, supervisor, or manager, or with the assistance of an in-house or external professional counselor.


Bhattacharjee, M., 2019. What is Counselling ? Definition, Types & Process. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 01 04 2022].

Counseling Skills. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Couselling- features of Counseling - Counseling process. (n.d.). Retrieved from

The importance of Counseling. (n.d.). Retrieved from Wake Forest:

SketchBubble, 2021. Counseling Process. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 01 04 2022].




  1. Counseling is a method of understanding and aiding people who are experiencing technical, personal, emotional, or adjustment challenges. The major role of HRM is to align the people for the organization goal..

  2. Counseling is a method of understanding and aiding people who are experiencing technical, personal, emotional, or adjustment challenges. The major role of HRM is to align the people for the organization goal..


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